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Mary Jane Malin Moulton Talks About Schuylkill Friends Meeting

SD video 5 mo. 5, 2014 - On a weekday morning a Friend was at the Meeting House with a laptop, two scanners, digital camera and video camera to digitize some items from our library.

Mary Jane saw a car in the parking lot. Curious to see who it was, she stopped by and an impromptu discussion started using images found in our desk.

Interview - A discussion with Mary Jane includes a 1939 image (stuck to glass) and an Outreach event from 1970 (The Time is Now). Donald Baker and Mary Vanderslice were instrumental in the re-opening the Schuylkill Friends Meeting under the care of Valley Monthly Meeting in 1939.

Schuylkill would become a Monthly Meeting the Eleventh Month 1954.

The Time is Now included Marjorie Penney-Paschkis and Christian Pedersen.

Mary Jane Malin Moulton Talks About Schuylkill Friends Meeting

41 minutes

1940 celebration on YouTube

1940 celebration image

1970 community outreach - Invitation, images & script

Interview With Rudy: Schuylkill Friends Meeting House Renovations

SD video 5 mo. 20, 2014 -Hanging out with Rudy Rosenberger.

Schuylkill Friends Meeting Renovations Part 1 Interview - Documenting work performed on Schuylkill Friends Meeting House in 1999. Part 1 of 2. Rudy was the Liaison between Meeting and tradespeople. Having a lifetime of knowledge, it was a pleasure sharing his passion for the trades.

The historic Corner Stores building next door was having a roof installed. So, it is a little difficult to hear Rudy while we are in front of the building.

Interview With Rudy:

Schuylkill Friends Meeting House Renovations Part 1

42 minutes

These two images are our Social Room where they began removing our flooring and floor joists. The stove pipe has been sealed off. The chimney remains. Beneath this room is a crawl space.

Above is our Worship Room without flooring or joists. Everything including the facing benches (would've been behind photographer) were removed. Beneath this room is the basement.

Interview With Rudy:

Schuylkill Friends Meeting House Renovations Part 2

44 minutes

Silence, Simplicity and Peace - Sunrise and Moon Set at Schuylkill Friends Meeting

SD video. This video is from 3 mo. 7, 2015, between 6:00 - 6:30 AM. The sunrise was at 6:27 AM while the moon set was around 7:30 AM. The moon was 95.7% and waning. It was 4 degrees Fahrenheit.

There was 8-10" of snow on the 5th, then it became very cold. The driveway was not plowed. So, I parked across the street and walked over.

Silence, Simplicity and Peace

Sunrise and Moon Set at Schuylkill Friends Meeting

11 minutes


Tunes found in our library in 2015:

Blackbird  by Lennon and McCartney
Let It Be  by Lennon and McCartney
Stand By Me by Lennon
Give Peace a Chance by Lennon
Imagine by Lennon
All Along The Watch Tower by Bob Dylan
Moonshadow by Cat Stevens
This Land is Our Land by Woody Guthrie
If I had A Hammer by Pete Seegar
Turn, Turn, Turn by Pete Seegar
Amazing Grace
I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing

Freedom Songs

Quaker Musicians

Fire Keepers of Schuylkill Friends Meeting House

24 minute SD Video - 4 mo. 2016 - We spend a few minutes with the Fire Keepers of the Meeting House communities. When I first hugged Ruth, she taught me how healing it is to hug "heart to heart" (embracing towards our left sides). 3 mo. 2016 - We spend a few minutes with Mike, the primary Fire Keeper of the Schuylkill Friends Meeting House. Since 2010, Mike sees to it that all communities which meet here have what they need for a fire.

Adjustment of Swelled Door at Schuylkill Friends Meeting House

12 minute SD video 7 mo. 2015 - Getting this old door not to stick without removing the finish. The small hinges have no pins. They are brittle, had to be unscrewed and remounted without being cracked or broken. It was a one-time shot because I didn't want to remove the door, plain it install it, remove the door again, plain a little more and re-install, etc.

Repairs to Exterior Door at Schuylkill Friends Meeting House

13 minute SD Video 7 mo. 2015 - There were a few problems with this door. They were addressed in 2014 and 2015. The repairs took a few trips to get it to function (closer to) as designed.

This video does not get into the rim lock repair much. A Metal-smith who has restored locks for about 35 years helped get it to work again. Thank you Tom P. for your assistance.

Sunrise Sounds of the Schuylkill Friends Meeting House

This is 1 hour and 8 minutes with more activity beginning 16 minutes in.

Birds before dawn on a humid First Day (Sunday) morning at the Schuylkill Friends Meeting House.

74 F / 23 C, humidity at 73%.

Beginning at 04:29 AM on the 14th day of the 6th month 2015.

The sunrise was at 05:32 AM and the (Waning Crescent) moon set would be 06:34 AM.

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