Checks should be made payable to, Schuylkill Monthly Meeting and mailed to:
37 N. Whitehorse Rd.
Phoenixville, PA. 19460
Donate using the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting site. You can select Schuylkill Meeting to ensure your gift goes to our Meeting.
All major credit and debit cards are accepted by PYM.
Donation of Material Goods
At the 12 month 2024 Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business the issue was raised about getting permission before donating items to the meeting, as sometimes the items are more of a hindrance than a help. Meeting agreed that this would be good practice moving forward.
If you would like to make a donation of material goods to our community, kindly make a request asking one of the following:
Donation for the children of the First Day School. Please ask our Religious Education Committee.
Donations for the First Day School or Meeting House buildings. Please ask our Property Committee.
Donations for our library. Please ask our Care and Oversight Committee.
Donations of any other kind. Please submit a request for a General Inquiry.
Donation of Your Time
If you would like to volunteer your time, kindly submit a note for a General Inquiry.